Usage - Overview
The built-in general layout provides a good starting point for an investigation into system problems, covering typical system metrics and information. Multiple connection methods are available, and it is possible to control how data is collected and when the display is updated. Context menus allow options to be quickly modified.
To ensure fast and easy problem diagnosis, some elements can be configured to drill down to another panel that provides more detailed information. For smaller elements, a sizing feature allows a single element to be expanded to use all the available space.
For situations where the information presented by ServerInternals is needed by another application, the displayed view, or the details for a single element, can be extracted to the clipboard or files as required. For situations where it is more convenient, keyboard navigation can be used to move around within the display.
Some elements have additional options and capabilities specific to that element type. Find out more about working with...
While the Analyser is an ideal interactive tool for direct system investigation, it's also possible to "keep an eye on" systems in a less interactive fashion at other times using the Watcher. Alternatively, information can be displayed as part of a screensaver. The Collector provides unattended data collection and the Gateway can be used to access systems when a direct connection is not possible. Both configured using the Configurator.